Project Move Back to NJ

Scott: (whispering into my ear) I’m a little scared that you haven’t really started packing yet. You know, like you mean it.

Cassie: I’ll bang it out. It’s not goin’ be a problem. You’ll see.

Scott: Did you watch the “How to Pack Up Your Kitchen” video yet?

Cassie: No. But I will. I had to get through the last week of school and Chloe’s party and everything.

Scott: You’re gonna get all crazy and shit, right at the very end. I just know it.

Cassie: Will you still love me?

Scott: Pffft. Yes. But could you just watch the video? Could you try to accept the knowledge offered? Could you fill up some more boxes…like a lot of ’em in the next few days so I can start to breathe again? Could you crack the whip and get the kids involved?

Cassie: Yes! Yes! And Yes! Okay?!

Scott: Okay.

(Shit just got real. Project Move Back to New Jersey. Holy Crap.)